By attracting significantly more additional domestic and international visitors to the Fraser Valley, BVMR is expected to be a major, year-round economic and tourism driver for local communities and the region. In addition to residents and tourists making day trips to the resort, BVMR’s attractions and accommodations will draw thousands of overnight and multi-day visitors to the Fraser Valley. While here, these visitors will be looking to experience other Fraser Valley attractions, including other mountain resorts like Sasquatch and Manning Park.
Yes, BVMR will provide two sightseeing gondolas that will transport guests up to Chipmunk Ridge and two viewpoints 3,300 feet above the Valley Village. Each viewpoint will offer stunning views of the Fraser Valley and Cascade Mountain Range.
Bridal Veil Mountain Resort has the potential to become one of BC’s premiere destination resorts and a major, year-round economic and tourism driver for local communities, the Fraser Valley and the Province. By drawing thousands of overnight and multi-day visitors to the Fraser Valley, BVMR would generate significant local spending for travel, accommodation, F&B, tourism, retail, arts and culture. It would also become a significant generator of local hotel tax revenue for Chilliwack.